101 Check List for Paragraph Writing
A. Format & Organisation
Margin is on the left?
Name, ID, course (section), date?
Title? Centred? Capitalization rule of headings? p. 12
On every other line? (not on every line)?
Clear handwriting with spaces between words?
Plan! And list keywords
Three (or four) main support? No overlaps? All fall under controlling idea?
B. Language and Grammar
TC Topic sentence: topic + controlling idea? p. 7 (for Reason paragraph: There are two/ three/ several/ a number of reasons why ...)
Have details? Adding information? (examples, definitions, further explanation or smaller details, warning, clarification, distinction, related experience) (for Reason paragraph: also see p. 61 )
Is your writing detailed:
Specific nouns (e.g. ‘there was a young student’ instead of ‘there was a man’, ‘a small older mosque’ instead of ‘a building’, etc.)?
Adjectives, adverbs and noun modifiers? pp.192-193, 225-227
Prepositional phrases (e.g. ‘at the end of the street’, ‘during the course’, ‘for seven hours’, ‘with a hummar’, ‘in the morning’, etc.)?
Each sentence has a verb? Verb tense (past or present) correct? Grammar Links or pp. 192, 225-227
Transitions? pp. 15, 235 (for Reason paragraph: pp.37-38, 77, 79, 81)
Capitalisation? Grammar Links or pp. 241-242
Attention to comma vs. full stop? pp. 243-244
Concluding sentence (recapping the TC or commenting on the whole topic)? p. 139
Subject-verb agreement? Grammar Links online or textbook pp. 219-220
Check spelling?
11 to 15 sentences?
Using different types of sentences? Grammar Links
Meaning clear?
Sentence structure ok? Click here for help
This is how your paper shoould look like:
Mariam Mohammed
Engl 101 (4)
14 March 2015
Process Paragraph: Getting a Passing Grade in a Difficult Course
Start writing here........