Preparing Your Summary and Presentaion
For Your Summary
Format to use:
Page A4, only white paper
Only black text. No coloured text. Images or graphs can be coloured.
No frame around the text.
Font: Times New Roman, size 12. Headings use bigger font and bold. No underlining.
Page margins; 1 inch (2.5 cm) each margin.
Line spacing: 1.5
Write your name, ID, date, course number in the left corner of the page.
Write your title in the middle: A Summary of Journal Article
Next line, left-algined, write: The title of the Article:....
The Author: ....
Source: ... (name of the journal, date, pages)
Now start your summary:
How to summarise a journal article:
Read the abstract or introduction. Make sure you understand it fully and find the meanings of all the terms used.
If there are any images or graphs, look at them and read their captions.
Now go to the conclusions and read it carefully and fully too.
You will have a good general idea about the aricle. Write your notes.
Go back to the article. Skim throught ir by reading it fast and focusing on main points only. You don't have to understand every single sentence or word. Pay attention to and make sure to understand the first sentences of each paragraph. Skip small details and find main point. Take notes as you read so you don’t have to read many times to write your summary.
Now based on the three steps above, and using the notes you have taken, write a summary. Pay attention to laguage and grammar.
You will only need four paragraphs:
Paragraph 1: Start with stating the purpose of this article in one sentence. Then explain the main terms (provide definitions). You can copy and paste the definitions as long as you use quotations marks and state your source. If you find the definition in the article, use it from there. If you need to find it elsewhere, you can too as long as you mention the source. Here is an example of a defintion: Metigation is defined as "the act of mitigating or state of being mitigated <the cure, prevention, or mitigation of disease" (Merriam-Wester 2014).
Paragraph 2: Explain in 4-8 lines the background of this topic (what is the disease or health problem, what other research or other experiements say about it, how it is usually treated, etc.)
Paragraph 3: Now tell us in 4-8 lines what the author of this article did (his/her methodology or prcedure). Just take about the major steps.
Paragraph 4: In 4-10 lines, tell us about the results and major findings. Tell us any important justifications, notes, analysis, or comments the author made on the results.
If you want to use some of the author’s graphs or tables, do so if they are making understand your summary easier. If the summary can be understood without needing any graphs or tables, don't add any. When you use graphs or tables, you need to add a caption and to number them (e.g. Table1: Patients' respones to medication) . Thenm at the bottom of the table or graph, write: Source and then mention the author’s last name, the year of publication, and the page number from which you took the graph or table. E.g. Source: Joseph 2014: 77.
For your Five-Minute PowerPoint Presentation: (you need 4-8 slides only)
1. Stick to one background. Use contract between the background and the test. Stick to same font type and font colour. Font size should be no less than 32. Best: Arial and other similar fonts.
2. In the slides, use key words or phrases. Use bullet points. No more than seven lines in each slide. Don't write whole paragraphs. When you present, you say complete sentences and provide details.
3. Use bullet points and left-align the text.
4. Don't use images or pictures unless related to the topic. No decorative pictures or animations.
5. Don't distract the audience by too much movement.
7. Build up: Let each point appear on a click. Don't show all the lines on one slide at once or it will be difficult to follow up (by adding animation to the text, so each bullet point appears or fade in when you click.)
Grade Breakdown for Your Essay and Presentaiton
Written Essay (15 marks)
Puntuality 2
Fortmat 1
Paragraph Sturcture 1
Contents 6
Language 5
Presentation (5 marks)
Puntuality 1
Clearity of slides 1
Oral Presentation 3