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Department of English Language & Literature

ENGL 145– English for Business I




Course instructor: Dr. Lamya Alkooheji


Office number:




Section number:





Course Description

The level of the course is upper-intermediate. The course utilizes an integrated skills textbook with an emphasis on enhancing students' READING SKILLS which could be done by introducing business specialist vocabulary, grammar, and short concrete writing tasks related to the business world.




Course Objectives


Through focusing on the reading aspect of the above description by using multi-paragraph texts, the course aims to develop and improve students’ reading & writing skills in English, whilst increasing their active and passive vocabulary. This will enable them to read and summarize English business texts, with increased confidence and understanding. The writing component will include the productions of different types of paragraphs covering discourse functions encountered in a business administration environment.


  • Reading Competencies


In order to achieve the aims of the course, students will be expected to practice and apply the following skills:

  • reading extensively and intensively

  • skimming for meaning

  • scanning for specific information

  • inferring meaning

  • predicting outcomes

  • recognizing, and writing about, the main idea(s) of/in a text (summarizing)

  • using a dictionary effectively


  • Writing Objectives

    • Upon completion of the course, students should be able to write with confidence different types of paragraphs covered in units 1-5 (emails, notes, etc…) from the pre-writing stages to the editing stages. The course also emphasizes on correctness of expression, together with precision and clarity beyond the sentence level to produce written portions of language which hang together as a whole (cohesive paragraphs).




1. Textbook:

Profile 3 (Upper-Intermediate)   Student’s Book & Workbook. (Units 1-5).

By: John Naunton


2. Assessment:

Test 1                          :  25 %             TBA   

Test 2                          :  25 %             TBA   

Coursework                 :  10%              One quiz or more

Final exam                   :  40%              Wednesday, 14 January 2015 (2.30 – 4.30)              


3. Supplementary Materials

a- Supplementary materials provided as and when appropriate.


b- An English-English Dictionary (Suggested: Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary)


c- Suggested websites (the list is not exhaustive). More websites will be circulated.

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