ِYour Oral Reading Fluency Test
Reading out loud parts from this article. (From Abstract until the end of Methodology. Then Disucssion and Conclusison.)
This is the article from which I will be asking you to read out loud in class: https://websciencestudent.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/trust-and-risk-in-e-government-adoption.pdf
Make yourself a printout, write on it for help with pauses and pronounciation.
Attention to how you pronounce the words, and to your intonation. Watch this 10-minute lesson on pauses within sentences: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YyY63ivixOs
This video talks about how and where to pause within English sentences (4 minutes): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93Gzz97ZT8U
You must be loud enough so all your colleagues hear you.
This is the rubric used for evaluating you. The grade will first be out of 15, and then will be scaled down to 10.