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ENG 219 Report Guidelines
The ENGL 219 report is a research project that requires you to
investigate one aspect of IT related field.
read academic literature (like journals, scientific magazines and articles).
conduct a balanced academic report.
give a short presentation on the most interesting and original aspects of the report.
Submission Date
Students should submit their report on 24th December 2015. For late work, a penalty of 2% per day will be applied.
Student’s work
All students must complete all aspects of the report and presentation.
All students must be present for all consultations with the lecturer.
Length of the report
The number of words excludes the reference list and appendices. One student should not exceed 2000-2500 words; two students - 2500-3000 words; three students - 3000-3500 words.
Any student submitting plagiarised work will not be graded and will get a zero
Interaction with Your Lecturer
Your title must be approved by your lecturer prior to starting your work.
Report Layout
Cover Page
Table of Contents
Literature review/ background
Appendices (if any)
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