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Answer of Question Vin the mock exam


Study the introduction to this paper below, and decide how it could be improved, listing your suggestions in the table.                                                                                                              

                                                                                       5 marks (1 mark each)          

An interview can be defined as a conversation with a definite structure and objective. It goes beyond an everyday discussion with no particular purpose. There are many possible interview situations, but all involve interviewer and an interviewee. It is normal for the former to ask the latter direct questions, and record the answers. The questions may be prepared in advance or they may occur as the interview develops. The recording is often done on paper, but may also be done by audio or video recording. Interviews can take place anywhere, in a street, café, office, bar, restaurant etc. It is hard to say how many interviews can be carried out in one day. I personally think that two is the maximum because it get very tiring. A lot depends on the subject being researched.

                                                                                         5 marks (1 mark each)          

Suggestions for improvement

(a) but all involve an internviewer

(b) can take place anywhere, such as a street, cafe, office, bar or a restaurant.

(c ) interviews can be conducted in one day.

(d) Normally, two is the maximum

(e) because it gets very tiring.



Here is another one. 

V. EXTRA PROOF-READING TASK                                                                               


                                                                                        5 marks (1 mark each)          

 When you hear the word ‘café’ the first thing will come to your mind is coffee, but one of the important questions is what makes the coffee shop good?  If you asked any person, he will simply answer “the coffee.”  That answer is kinda true, because most of the people, not all, think that cafes are all the same; but in fact they are not.  There are several types of cafes that I have discovered with doing some researches




A  that/which must be inserted after thing (1st line)…………………  missing word

B         asked (2nd line) must be changed into ask…………………………………  tense

C         kinda (3rd line) must be changed into partly/in a way/to some extent …… style

D         with (5th line) must be changed into while………………………………  wrong word

E          researches (5th line) must be replaced with research……………………  singular/plural




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