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446 Final Exam Layout 

for Semester 2, 2016-17

40 grades

Four chapters: 9, 10, 11 and 12


Question 1                                                                          ( 1 mark each, 15 marks)

Circle the correct option among the ones provided between parentheses in order to complete the sentence grammatically. Units 10 and 11


Question 2                                                            (1 mark each sentence, 5 marks)

The following text contains direct quotations. Add appropriate punctuation to this text (commas, full stops, question marks quotation marks and/or capitalisations). Unit 12


Question 3                                                                          (1 mark each, 10 marks)

Complete each sentence, using indirect speech, with the meaning similar to the one above it. Unit 12 p. 149 in textbook and p. 65 in supplementary ex handout- see link to sample Question and Answer under Exams. 


Question 4                                                              (1 each, 5 marks)

​In each sentence, there are four words underlined and numbered 1, 2, 3 and 4. One of each group of four underlined words is grammatically wrong. Circle the wrong one. Unit 9


Question 5                                                                          (5 marks)

Provide the grammar rule for each of the following five items below. Units 9, 10 and 11.

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