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Examples for Chapter 2

1. Domains of language use


’Anahina is a bilingual Tongan New Zealander living in Auckland. At home with her

family she uses Tongan almost exclusively for a wide range of topics. She often talks to her grandmother about Tongan customs, for instance. With her mother she exchanges gossip about Tongan friends and relatives. Tongan is the language the family uses at meal-times. They discuss what they have been doing, plan family outings and share information about Tongan social events. It is only with her older sisters that she uses some English words when they are talking about school or doing their homework.


Complete this table about Domains of language use

Domain         Addressee        Setting        Topic                           Variety/Code

Family            Parent         Home         Planning a family party ______________

Friendship       Friend         Beach       How to play beach tennis ______________

Religion         Priest            Church       Choosing the Sunday liturgy ___________

Education       Teacher        School        Solving a maths problem _____________

Employment    Employer     Workplace  Applying for a promotion _____________






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