Topics for
Process Paragraphs
How you successfully lost extra weight
How you passed a difficult course at university
How you improved your English in this courses
How you threw a party at home
How you take care of your youngest sibiling when your parents are away
How you spent the summer vacation without getting bored
How you made new friends at university
How you helped a friend through difficult times
How do you normally spend a week
How do you usually spend your weekend
Descriptive Paragraphs
A beautiful summer day on the beach.
A character from a movie, cartoon, or book
The most frightening place you have been to
A day in Sikheer
A beautiful house that you visited
Your first day of school
Your first day of university
The worst day of your life
A beautiful city/town/village that you visited
A village in Bahrain
A mosque in Bahrain (or any other country)
A person you admire
A person you hate
The celebration of the National Day in the University
A beautiful/old/scary building
Reason Paragraphs
Why university education is important for you
Why learning English in important for engineering students
Why many people like comedy shows
Why many people like horror movies
Why many people prefer watching movies at home instead of going to the cinema
Why aerobics exercises are popular
Why many young people shop through Instagrams
Why is X your favourite restaurant/beach/park/room/country
Why you love a certain sport
Why many teenagers like reading novels
Why do you like to spend time with your friends
Contrast Paragraphs
Compare your generation to your parents' generation
Compare university lifestyle to school lifestyle
Compare your studying habits at school to them at university
Compare children to adolescents
Compare how girls spend their free time to how boys spend their free time
Compare mothers in Bahrain to mothers in another coutry
Compare families in Bahrain to families in the west

Check List
Topic sentence with topic and focus (clearly stating what is happening next)
Layers are used
Three or four main points (main support)
Singals showing that you are moving from one support to another
Details under the support: definitions, examples, explinations, justifications, warning, clarification, more details, etc.
Conclusion sentence with a clear singal, restating the topic and the focus. You can add your opinion (but no new ideas added)
Capitalisation and spelling, comma or full stop (see textbook Appendices for help)
Each sentence has a verb, and the correct verb tense is used. Subject-Verb agreement in every sentence (see textbook Appendices for help)
Specific nous, use adjectives